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  • How To Paint Concrete Steps Step By Step

    Here's a straightforward step-by-step guideline of how you can finish your concrete step. Make sure you prepare your steps and select the correct type of paint is the key to the success of your project.

    Concrete paint is not just beautiful but also looks amazing, but it can also help keep the concrete from being damaged and seals it from further damage.

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    Repair The Concrete Steps

    The first thing to fix is the steps. If you notice medium to large cracks, they must be filled. Small hairline cracks are able to be filled using primer and concrete paint.

    Use masonry caulk or cement to fill in the cracks. I prefer cement as it matches better with the concrete's surface steps. You'll be able see the differences between concrete and caulk however cement is more effective at mixing in.

    It is also possible to use cement caulk. It's basically cement premixed in tubes. It's not as efficient in comparison to mixing it yourself since it's not possible to alter the texture, but it performs.

    Be sure that if you apply caulk that it's masonry and not the regular caulk used in homes. The products used in masonry are flexible and can expand or expand with concrete.

    Tips: If using cement caulk, caulk for caulk, or even mix your own cement make sure you have some sand that is gritty on hand. I love mixing some into my repairs in order to alter the texture. If I am able to make my repair appear like what the surface of concrete was originally,, the more appealing. I don't want the repairs to be obvious after I have applied the primer and paint.

    Clean the concrete

    Cleaning concrete steps is a crucial step since concrete is prone to trapping in plenty of grease, dirt grime, grime, mold mildew, and so on. It's extremely porous, so the dirt soaks in the water. If you paint your surface with dirt and then you'll seal those contaminants into.

    Clean up grease and dirt with normal soap and water first. The concrete will be scrubbed using a medium to hard brush. It is also possible to use using a power washer. Alter the pressure depending on the state of the steps. A lot of pressure can harm the old concrete.

    If that doesn't work, you can try using a cleaner such as trisodium phosphate. If, like me, you prefer to go with a cleaner that is more natural, there are many available. They're not very strong, but they are effective on all staining. I typically use chemical only as a last resort after having tried all other options.

    Take off moss and vines that are growing over the base. Make use of a pressure washer or a knife to assist. Be careful not to take them off with force as they'll have made their way deep into concrete. It is possible to pull off a piece of step.

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    Remove efflorescence. It's the white powder that is formed on concrete and other masonry structures.

    Even the concrete steps you have installed are new, it is important to remove them prior to painting. There might be dirt, dust, or pollen on the concrete that you'll need to eliminate. If you don't do it, it'll be mixed into the paint.

    Strip Old Paint

    Get rid of as much old paint off as you can. Old paint is often coated over, so you might not need to take off the entire thing. But what you do notice is damaged, peeling, cracked, chipped or cracked, you should take it off.

    You shouldn't paint over old paint that is damaged since that damage can be transferred to the new job. It's like painting an automobile. If the paint you used to apply is still in good condition, you can take off the clear coat, then paint it again. It's not necessary to completely strip the vehicle. However, if the paint has been damaged, the area needs to be repaired prior to re-painting.

    Prime the Concrete

    Concrete primer, also known as block primer, is used to fill in pores and smooths the surface. It gives a nice smooth surface for paint to adhere to. It also fills in tiny cracks and smooth surfaces. Paint jobs usually look much better when primer is first used.

    Primers also do better at covering the stains. This is particularly useful in the case of painting those concrete steps that are old and dirty.

    A concrete primer will usually be more expensive than high-quality brick paint. Start with the less expensive primer to cover up stains before applying use the better stuff later. Doing this step will help you save money.

    Paint for Outdoor Concrete Steps

    The most effective types of concrete-based paint are high-quality low-luster low-luster oil-based latex porch and floor paints Acrylic latex paints epoxy-based paints, as well as mortar paints.

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